Constructed entirely of stainless steel and the parts that are in contact with the fruit are according to food standard code, The Processing Line for Pulp consists of a dipping tank for pre-washing of the fruit, washer of upper and lower brushes made of nylon and water sprays above the brushes to ensure a better cleaning of fruits. For the handling, it is used paddle elevators that direct the washed fruit to the transversal liner which will lead the fruit to the cutting blade. After being cut in half, the fruit fall on the canvas standard for food handling that works for as an inspection before entering the depulper. The fruit depulper is constructed with 3 cylindrical rolls, the first is rubber coated food standard to press the fruit against the cylinder that has toothed discs made of stainless steel which will separate the pulp from the skin sending it to the process. The skin, then goes to an adjustable transversal knife, by scraping the remaining of the pulp and forwarding it to the third coated cylinder that disposes of this skin for other purposes.