Ecovin JL® had its project developed in partnership with the distillery icon, Engº. Jaime Lacerda. Nowadays, it continuous improving, reaching its 2nd generation of development in partnership with ETech, also with the renowned Eng. Paulo S. Barci. Citrotec’s Ecovin JL® is a powerful concentrated vinasse system that uses the descending turbulent mist principle, coupled to the distillation columns ETech, it allows the production of ethanol with the concentrated vinasse without additional steam consumption
• Production of ethanol with concentrated vinasse, through the alcoholic steam generated in the distillery (without steam consumption).
• Easy operation and completely automated.
• 100% stainless steel.
• It has Evaporative independent condensers (optional) that eliminate an external water source and cooling towers.
• Possibility to adjust to existing distilleries.
• High vinasse volume reduction.
• Concentration by the alcohol vapors generated in the distillation (without steam consumption).
• Reuse of water withdrawn from vinasse in industrial and agricultural processes.
• Raising of the potassium level (K2O/m³).
• Reduced storage and transportation costs.
• Better absorption of potassium by the plant (increase of agricultural productivity).
• Support for biological fertilizer with additives.
Uses of concentrated vinasse
The concentrated vinasse is used for various purposes. Its main use is a liquid organic fertilizer. Due to the high concentration of potassium (K2O) providing reduction of costs in transportation, due to the reduction of trips and costs, In addition to allowing precise dosage of potassium in the growing area.