During Sipat, Citrotec® announces zero Accident Project
Event also promoted several speeches to raise awareness employees about the importance of safety at work.
Of 24 until October 28, Citrotec® did your Internal Week to Prevent Accident at Work, the name in Portuguese is SIPAT (Semana Interna de Prevenção de Acidentes do Trabalho). This year the event was very important, because the Company announced the Project Zero Accident.
The program has born with a partnership between Human Resource and Work Safety department. The main goal is to guarantee the better well-being not only to employees but your families to.
“The Project seeks to raise awareness more and more about the importance of daily works activities being performed in a safer way. This way, the workers and your relatives will be always safe by making sure that the safety comes in first place inside your company”, explain the Work Safety manager of Citrotec®, Wagner Campos Leal Júnior.
To put a new Project into practice, the Safety team won another worker. Beyond this, Citrotec® hired a safety specialized company. “This way we can increase our oversight and orientation about the activities. For example, the new worker will continue the management of the department and will be an incentive to everyone oversee yourselves and learn more abot the subject”, explain the Human Resource manager of Citrotec®, Claudineia Noli.
As a starting point for the Zero Accident, each worker won a squeeze with a design stamped logo.
Sipat 2022
Beyond the Project announce, the Sipat 2022 promoted speeches relevant to employee safety.
The Event started with the health importance and followed by ergonomics subjects, these activities have been widely practiced and widespread inside the company. Nowadays, the biweekly ergonomics dialogue has been performing labor gymnastics with all the employees. Beyond this, the ergonomist passes custom exercises that can be done daily at the break activities.
Citrotec® also receives the Weekly visit form the professional, that accompany and guide the employees in the correct posture in which they must perform the work. To reinforce the information, have been distributed flyers with tips day by day.
“The Ergonomics aims to develop, in a comfortable and productive way, the link between human being and the work. To adapt the work conditions to the professional feature, avoid the ergonomics risks, providing more health, comfort, safety, and well-being”, says Noli.
The thirty speeches was about the hot work, this subject are included in the Regulatory Standard No. 34 (NR34) very important to the company activities.
To finish the event brought the first aid and before the Regulatory Standard No.12 (NR12), provides for safety at work on machines and equipment. “We are making a important work in the suitability of machines and equipment, ensuring safety for all the employees”, says Júnior.
At the end of the speeches, the employees tasted a delicious breakfast, specially made to the Sipat week.